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Monday, April 4, 2011

Area 51 Conspiracy

Area 51 is a military base located in the Nevada Desert. It is very secretive and there are a lot of warnings They have signs that say they will shoot trespassers on sight. They obviously don't want anyone to know what goes on there. There are rumors that the government is harboring aliens and alien technology there. Area 51 is not on any maps. Super high-tech aircraft have been developed there. People say they use the alien U.F.O's to develop their planes. Other people claim that the air force is just creating super advanced aircraft that people mistake for U.F.O's. The money for these projects comes from the C.I.A and the air force. This means it really comes from you, the taxpayers. I believe this "alien" conspiracy is just a cover up. There is evidence that this is just holograms projected from the military to scare people and cover up their secret projects. They hid a lot of the secret planes like the SR-71 blackbird and U2 spy planes. These planes were also created at Area-51. The government is spending billions of dollars of taxpayers money on this base and the government is using aliens as a scare tactic and as a cover up for their secret plans

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