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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Soviet Spies in America

There have been numerous instances where Soviet spies were discovered. This was mainly during the early years of the cold war. Some of them were discovered and others were not. It is said that Stalin new about the atomic bomb before Truman, who was the vice president, did. One spy was discovered when he gave a paper boy a hollowed out nickel as a tip. The paper boy discovered it was hollow and told the authorities. The spy was then arrested. Recently there was a huge case of spies sent from Russia who have been in the U.S. They were discovered last year and it was a huge scandal. They gave no really relevant information. Most of the information could have been found on the internet. This proves that there might still be Soviet spies in the United States. I have a Russian friend. I don't know for sure that he isn't reporting classified information to a Russian handler. You need to always be on the lookout for Soviet spies

Monday, April 4, 2011

Area 51 Conspiracy

Area 51 is a military base located in the Nevada Desert. It is very secretive and there are a lot of warnings They have signs that say they will shoot trespassers on sight. They obviously don't want anyone to know what goes on there. There are rumors that the government is harboring aliens and alien technology there. Area 51 is not on any maps. Super high-tech aircraft have been developed there. People say they use the alien U.F.O's to develop their planes. Other people claim that the air force is just creating super advanced aircraft that people mistake for U.F.O's. The money for these projects comes from the C.I.A and the air force. This means it really comes from you, the taxpayers. I believe this "alien" conspiracy is just a cover up. There is evidence that this is just holograms projected from the military to scare people and cover up their secret projects. They hid a lot of the secret planes like the SR-71 blackbird and U2 spy planes. These planes were also created at Area-51. The government is spending billions of dollars of taxpayers money on this base and the government is using aliens as a scare tactic and as a cover up for their secret plans

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Ardsley Has No Money?

As everyone is aware of, the Ardsley School District is facing a lot of cuts. They say they have no money. This is interesting because a gym teacher at Concord Road is making around 170,000 dollars every year. Should a teacher really make that much money? In New York City, the top salary for teachers is $100,000 dollars. But this is Ardsley. They are cutting so many teachers but keeping one raking in $170,000! There is also a little thing called Ardsley Day Camp. It is a camp held at the Ardsley Schools that is 5 weeks long. How much are the heads of the camp making? It might shock you but they are making around $12,000! FOR 5 WEEKS OF CAMP! Why is the school complaining about budget cuts?

J.F.K Conspiracy

Many of you think that this is about the assassination. But it is not. This is about P.T 109. As many of you know P.T 109 was a U.S boat during WWII. It was hit by a torpedo and sunk. The crew washed ashore on an island and Kennedy "rescued them" and was praised as a "hero". That was not all true. Kennedy wanted more firepower on his boat so he took out the life raft to put in an extra machine gun. This was a military crime. When his crew washed up on shore, he went swimming away to find some help. A commanding officer is not allowed to abandon his crew. This is also a crime. He should have been dishonorably discharged from the military. This would have happened except, his dad was very rich and powerful and I might add a raging anti-Semite. He got his son to be praised instead of despised. He used his connections in Washington D.C to get his son in the papers as a "hero". Would he have been president if the truth had come out? But thanks to his daddy, he didn't have to worry about that.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The Bilderberg Group Conspiracy

The Bilderberg Group is top secret. They control the world. Any disaster or major event that happens was caused by them. It is composed of 120 members. These members meet every few months in a meeting. They are the richest and most powerful people in the world. They only meet in super fancy 5 star hotels. It was called the Bilderberg Group because they had their first meeting in the Bilderberg Hotel. Some of the members are royalty. One is the former commissioner of the European Union. Some are from different world governments. The U.S invasion into Iraq was decided by them and what day it was. The 2008 economic collapse was caused by them. There are many more things they caused. They also have a plan to kill mass amounts of people. Beware the Bilderberg Group

Sunday, March 27, 2011

U.F.O Conspiracy

During World War II the Germans were experimenting with top secret weapons. They were aircraft that could take off vertically and have advanced systems of propulsion. They came up with a bell shaped aircraft that was tested and later disposed of because of the eminent allied invasion of Germany. Allied pilots in World War II had made reports about unusual balls of light they had seen trailing their aircraft. They would zoom past them at thousands of miles per hour. They would also shoot up into the sky. They were nicknamed Foo Fighters by the pilots because of a cartoon. Most of the scientists and engineers were taken by the United States. They were taken to different U.S bases throughout the country. Some German scientists and engineers also fled to South America. This included the head of German secret weapons. It is possible that he had a role in U.F.O sightings in South America. The president of Argentina gave many German scientists visas. A little while after they came to the U.S, sights of U.F.O's became piling in. In Roswell, New Mexico, the Air Force claimed they had a U.F.O but later revoked that statement and claimed it was only a weather balloon. The Germans had invented a wing aircraft that looked very weird. There was a sighting of unusual aircraft that looked like wings by a pilot in the late 1940's. In the 1970's, there was a crash of a bell shaped aircraft. The townspeople came to see what it was but they were stopped by the U.S military and saw the mysterious aircraft being taken by a military truck to an air force base. During the 1970's the U.S  spent billions of dollars on a failed circular aircraft called the Avrocar. They said it would go close to Mach 3 and have a service ceiling of 80,000 feet. They were basing their design on the coanda effect. It ended up going around 3 feet high and going as fast as a regular car. The U.S has been telling people they have nothing to do with U.F.Os but the C.I.A stated they helped with U.F.O misinformation. The U.S has defiantly had a play in the  whole Hollywood idea about how U.F.O's are always from aliens. In my opinion there are no aliens but U.F.O's are real because they are all created in the United States.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Government spying in the U.S?

There is a conspiracy theory that the United States government is spying on its citizens. They are using cameras on streets to spy on people. When you are on the phone they are monitoring your conversations. If you talk about bad things you might have a government agent at your front door. There is also a program called Infragard that is basically a program with members in it that are part of every type of business and all around the United States. They tell the government about people that they think are bad. They work with the F.B.I to secure the United States. They spy on their neighbors and coworkers. If you are at the store and use your credit card, the information about the things you buy are being sent to a lot of companies. So watch what you buy to eat or your insurance company might drop you.