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Sunday, March 27, 2011

U.F.O Conspiracy

During World War II the Germans were experimenting with top secret weapons. They were aircraft that could take off vertically and have advanced systems of propulsion. They came up with a bell shaped aircraft that was tested and later disposed of because of the eminent allied invasion of Germany. Allied pilots in World War II had made reports about unusual balls of light they had seen trailing their aircraft. They would zoom past them at thousands of miles per hour. They would also shoot up into the sky. They were nicknamed Foo Fighters by the pilots because of a cartoon. Most of the scientists and engineers were taken by the United States. They were taken to different U.S bases throughout the country. Some German scientists and engineers also fled to South America. This included the head of German secret weapons. It is possible that he had a role in U.F.O sightings in South America. The president of Argentina gave many German scientists visas. A little while after they came to the U.S, sights of U.F.O's became piling in. In Roswell, New Mexico, the Air Force claimed they had a U.F.O but later revoked that statement and claimed it was only a weather balloon. The Germans had invented a wing aircraft that looked very weird. There was a sighting of unusual aircraft that looked like wings by a pilot in the late 1940's. In the 1970's, there was a crash of a bell shaped aircraft. The townspeople came to see what it was but they were stopped by the U.S military and saw the mysterious aircraft being taken by a military truck to an air force base. During the 1970's the U.S  spent billions of dollars on a failed circular aircraft called the Avrocar. They said it would go close to Mach 3 and have a service ceiling of 80,000 feet. They were basing their design on the coanda effect. It ended up going around 3 feet high and going as fast as a regular car. The U.S has been telling people they have nothing to do with U.F.Os but the C.I.A stated they helped with U.F.O misinformation. The U.S has defiantly had a play in the  whole Hollywood idea about how U.F.O's are always from aliens. In my opinion there are no aliens but U.F.O's are real because they are all created in the United States.

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